Cosmetic Surgical SERVICES
in eagle, idaho
Upper Eyelid blepharoplasty
Eyelid lift.
lower lid blepharoplasty
Smooth out your lower lids.
midface lift
Enhance your eyelid surgery with a mid-facelift. A mid-face lift can give the face a more youthful-looking appearance and make the under eye area appear less sunken.
eyebrow lift
Places the eybrows in a more youthful position.
EmbraceRF Facial Contouring
Minimally invasive facial contouring and skin resurfacing with or without Liposuction.
AccuTite Facial Contouring
Minimally invasive facial contouring. Ideal for smaller and more precise areas.
FaceTite Facial Contouring
Minimally invasive facial contouring for the face and neck.
morpheus8 Facial Resurfacing
In office facial resurfacing.